Software Engineer

Adam is an highly motivated and fiercely dedicated individual with a high curiosity for Technology, Innovation and Management.


I am fully absorbed in the tech industry. I have experince using frontend tools like HTML/CSS Javascript and React, also with backend frameworks like Django, ExpressJS and Flask plus experience with programming languages such as Python, C++, C and Assembly. Majority of my work is open-source and available on Github. You can also connect with me on Linkedin where I post about my professional journey and growth as a developer.

Some Notable Moments.

JUN '24

First Hackathon

Competed in my first Hackathon

JUN '24

First Computer Science Fellow

Accepted into Headstarter fellow. A 7-Week Porgram developed by Yasin Ehsan

JUN '24

First Website

Made this Portfolio (ps currently looking at it!)

Get in touch